If you’re looking to improve the natural beauty of your smile, then one of our cosmetic procedures may be right for you. Cosmetic dentistry is safe way to enhance the beauty and aesthetics of your smile. Our cosmetic dental procedures in Mesa, AZ can fix areas of your smile that make you feel self-conscious, improving your overall health, confidence, and appearance.
Custom Cosmetic Dentistry In Mesa
At North Stapley Dental Care in Mesa, we offer individualized cosmetic consultations that are tailored to your specific needs. We understand that having a healthy, bright, and beautiful smile is what allows you to live with confidence.
Some of the cosmetic dentistry procedures we offer include:
Porcelain Veneers
Veneers are a tooth-shaped shell that strengthens the overall structure of your teeth. Porcelain veneers match the existing color of your teeth, and help to improve your smile. Veneers can help to correct worn tooth-enamel, uneven teeth, or spacing between teeth.
Porcelain Crowns (or caps)
Dental crowns help to improve the strength and durability of teeth by placing a tooth-colored cap over the surface of a weakened tooth. Crowns work to restore a tooth’s original size and shape as well as relieve pressure from both the weak and existing teeth. Once cemented into place, caps can help retain the function of your teeth as well as improve your smile.
Tooth Colored Restorations
Also know as “fillings”, these are bonded to your existing tooth in order to improve its durability. Fillings consist of a resin matrix and fillers that match your natural tooth color and feel like your existing teeth. Opposite to tooth colored restorations are the old silver/amalgam fillings, which are set into the tooth leaving behind a silver remnant.
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening treatment is a non-invasive procedure used to enhance the natural color of your smile. Whiter teeth are associated with better oral health and are believed to make better first impressions, so it’s no wonder that tooth whitening is a popular cosmetic procedure for patients. Teeth whitening can be completed at home or in the dental office, allowing flexibility for your daily schedule.
Dental bridges are artificial teeth that are used to fill a gap of space between teeth. Fixed bridges work best for those who are missing multiple teeth and can be attached to your existing teeth or implants. Aside from giving you a full-mouth smile, porcelain fixed bridges can also aid in chewing and digestion. Replacing missing teeth is more than just cosmetic dentistry, it is more importantly rebuilding the mouth to function as it was designed.
Invisalign Invisible Braces
Invisalign treatment is the process of wearing a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth. No brackets and wires, and none of the restrictions that come with metal braces.
Cosmetic dental treatments can realign or correct the size and shape of teeth, fill in unattractive gaps, correct bite positions, or repair and replace missing or broken teeth. No matter what issue you are experiencing, cosmetic dentistry in Mesa, AZ can help.
Cosmetic Dental Consult – Call Us Today
Our experienced cosmetic dentists at North Stapley Dental Care can help you achieve a more attractive and healthy-looking smile. Call us to schedule a consultation at our Mesa, AZ office today and see if cosmetic dentistry is right for you.