Needing a root canal can sound scary for many. The root canal procedure is often misunderstood. While is the procedure can be complex and fairly invasive, it is a routine procedure with a high success rate.

Here are a few more Root Canal facts to help you understand this simple dental procedure:

1. Surgery. The root canal procedure is a minor surgery. The infected part of the root of the tooth is accessed, cleaned and filled through to the end. So, while it is routine, it is taken very seriously and performed only by a dentist or endodontist.

2. Options. The alternative to a root canal, in most cases, is to extract the tooth and either leave the space or fill it with a bridge or implant. Depending on your unique situation, you and your dentist can make the best decision for you. As with anything, there are pros and cons.

3. Success Rate. Root canal treatment is successful 50-80% of the time. Success rates have dramatically increased in the last 10 years. (Read more from the CDA here).

4. Cost. Cost for a root canal varies, but most dental insurance will cover a percentage of the procedure. If you don’t have insurance, we offer a Saving Plan designed to help lower the costs of these treatments. If you have concerns, our team can walk you through your options and the costs.

5. Time. The procedure takes about an hour. The first day will be the hardest. Your dentist will provide you with a  pain relief regiment, which will consist of over the counter medicines, or a prescription for a pain reliever. Most people choose to take the day off of work following a root canal. Pain should subside after several days.

6. The Root Canal Treatment. After the canals (the nerve and the pulp of the tooth) are cleaned, they will be filled with a composite material and a temporary filling will be placed. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and abscesses may form.

7. Next steps. A new crown will be added after the tooth and gums have had time for healing. This follow-up appointment will take about an hour and is usually scheduled before you leave the office on the day of the root canal. If you have pain after 1 week, or if you develop a fever, please contact the office immediately.

Root canals are a common and safe procedure that will allow the patient to save a tooth after severe decay. If you want more information about root canals or need to have one done, we are happy to make you a consultation appointment today. Just give us a call and we will get your scheduled!

What do you really know about tooth decay? Is it inevitable? Is sugar really bad? We’ve compiled 7 facts you should know to better protect your oral health.

1. Watch what you eat. Dental decay is triggered by the things we eat. Foods and drinks also feed the bacteria that lives on our mouths and these bacteria produce the acids that gradually dissolve the enamel of the teeth causing decay.

2. Plaque builds up. The plaque that grows on teeth can build up when not brushed regularly. This plaque produces the acids break down the teeth, which in turn creates cavities and gum disease.

3. Sugar really is bad for teeth. Food which contains sugars (such as sodas, juice, processed foods, carbohydrates, etc.) can cause faster buildup of plaque and our teeth can be damaged faster when these are in our diet. BUT… it is important to know the sugar is not what is causing tooth decay. Sugar feeds the bacteria that causes tooth decay. (So remember to brush after that sweet snack!)

4. Yes, you do need to see the dentist. Early in the cycle of tooth decay, there are no symptoms, the teeth will not hurt, and the cavities can only be seen on an x-ray. Your dentist office is set up specifically to take these facial x-rays.

5. Location, location, location. Biting surfaces of molars are the most likely locations of decay, because food often gets stuck there, and is not easily brushed away.

6. You’re not alone. The majority of adults have had to have at least one tooth removed. Sometimes this is due to space in the mouth (i.e. wisdom teeth), for others it is because of extreme decay or injury.

7. Don’t be afraid! Fourteen percent of people are scared to go to the dentist. Many avoid appointments and eventually suffer more tooth decay. If you suffer from dental anxiety, we can offer safe sedation options to help you through your visit.

Tooth decay is preventable and reversible in the early stages! It is imperative to make smart decisions about food & drink, brush & floss regularly and visit the dental office at least twice a year. Is it time for your next appointment? Call us today to schedule today.